Miller Greenhouses, Inc.
of Wallingford
PHONE: 610-874-3863 FAX: 610-874-1383
Quality Plants Since 1972
About us

we are celebrating our 50th year in business
Miller Greenhouses, Inc was founded in 1972 by Chuck Miller and Frank (Hank)Anthony. It is a family owned and run business. We started with one greenhouse and added a new greenhouse or part of a house every other year or so until we ran out of space. Both Frank and I worked full time at other jobs. We would meet early in the morning to water the plants, go to work and return in the evening to plant and take care of things.
In 1978 I married Rosemary Baxter and she joined the business. In 1980 CR was born and in 1983 Dan was born. The years have flown by since then. We have grown from 1 greenhouse to 12 or about 21,000 square feet of space.
In 2000 I retired from my full time job to work in the greenhouses full time and have never looked back. It was also in 2000 that Otis joined our family and became an icon of our business. Otis was a Black Lab that befriended everyone that came to the greenhouses.
My good friend and mentor Frank Anthony passed away in 2010. We were partners on a handshake for 35 years, a remarkable feat in today’s world. The business would not have grown as it did without Frank’s efforts. We miss having Hank here very much. In 2012 Otis passed away to our sadness and that of many, many of our customers.
Today we provide plants year round. We grow and sell Poinsettias at Christmas, MUMS in the fall, and a full line of bedding plants, potted plant, vegetables plants, hanging baskets and so on for Spring.
We sell both retail and wholesale. We specialize in holiday plants for churches and plants for fund raisers to organizations of all types and sizes.
Our Greenhouses are open the public generally from 10am to 4 pm during the growing seasons. In seasons other than Spring it is always good to call ahead to be sure we are open.
Both Rosemary and I are very proud that our son Dan joined the business in 2011 and so we intend to be here for a long time. Along with Dan came Dan's dog Gus, a friendly yellow Lab.
In Summer of 2013 we added our newest family member “BEAR”. Bear is another Black Lab. He has big shoes to fill with Otis gone. We think he is well on the way of becoming just as beloved by everyone.
In 2018 another Black Lab joined us. Beau is a very lovable frisky American Black Lab.
At the end of 2022 we lost Bear. More than anything Bear loved to greet our customers coming up the driveway.
January 2023 Norman joined our business as a greeter. Norman is a frisky white lab and is Dan's dog.
Stop by to see us and join us on Facebook for more information.

Head Grower for Miller Greenhouses
Dan Miller

Gus and Bear can't wait to see you

Beau on the right with his mentor Bear